I seem to have a little bit of difficulty completing online classes as I haven't finished one yet. So yesterday I hopped on the class forum and had a look around. There was a whole thread about people having made the base of each page in their album to help them get ahead and finish. Sounds like a great idea to me, so today I racked my brain trying to come up with something that would suit me this time around and not take too much time. Normally I would go with a mini album, but the more I thought about it, the more it wasn't working. I love making mini albums but they are so hard to have on display. The albums are on a shelf and easily accessible, but all of the mini albums are in a box in the cupboard. However, I will NEVER finish this class if I make a 12x12 page for each day! So I decided to give the idea some thought while I periodically looked at the next page on my Google reader list.
Which brought me to this page here at some point in time this morning. I LOVE the idea of this calendar page. What a great way to preserve a month or year in your life! Further surfing and I ended up at Shimelle's latest post for 6x4 photo love. I watched the video while I was eating lunch and that is when my prep for this class all came together. Don't you love it when that happens! I decided to use the divided grid idea from the calendar page and do a series of 12x12 pages for my album (and yes, I will probably sew them all together!) There will be 6 pages in total as I plan on doing a title page explaining the class, with the following 5 pages divided into 6. Here is the first page ready to go.
Made on Kraft card |
I am using Kraft card for the base as I have never used it before. Might as well try something new straight away :-) I used some glimmer mist to divide the page and made the little number embellishments. I have already got out some journalling stamps to make some fancy cards each day and I am ready to go. Here is what the next double page looks like. The last page is the same as this one.
It will be an interesting experiment. I wonder if I am going to like it in the end? I like journeys, and I am ready to begin this one tomorrow. I hope the prompts come through earlier this time around. I really want to complete each day on the day, and not a day behind. So let the learning begin ...